La Fédération Européenne d’Épargne et de Crédit pour le Logement est une association d’établissements de crédit et d’institutions qui soutiennent et encouragent le financement des logements à utilisation personnelle. Dans le cadre du rapprochement politique et économique en Europe, l’objectif de la Fédération consiste à promouvoir l’idée de l’acquisition de propriété immobilière, sauvegarder les intérêts de ses membres vis-à-vis des institutions de l’Union Européenne assurer l’information de ses membres sur l’avancement de l’Union Européenne et les mesures prises à cet égard par les institutions de L’Union Européenne ainsi que favoriser et renforcer les échanges d’information et d’expérience de ses membres dans les domaines du financement du logement et de la politique de l’habitat.
Positions de la FEECL
20 October 2023
EBIC calls for the postponement of the Basel III implementation date in the EU
September 2023
EFBS position: European Commission wants to define new resolution framework: EFBS advocates for retaining existing principles
1 March 2023
EFBS position: Feedback from the European Federation of Building Societies on the EBA consultation on draft Guidelines on the overall recovery capacity in recovery planning form
November 2022
EFBS position: EFBS proposal for criteria for green mortgages and green loans
4 July 2022
EFBS position: Implementing the final Basel III reforms in the EU
12 March 2021
EFBS position: EFBS position paper on: ꞌꞌImplementing the final Basel III reforms in the EU”
4 February 2021
EFBS position: Feedback on the discussion paper on management and supervision of ESG risks for credit institutions and investment firms
18 December 2020
EFBS position: Feedback on the delegated act for the Taxonomy Regulation
19 November 2020
EFBS position: Feedback on the roadmap for updating VAT regulations for financial services
25 September 2020
EFBS position: EFBS comments on the ECB guide on climate-related and environmental risks
27 July 2020
EFBS position: Position paper in the context of the Action Plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
15 July 2020
EFBS position: on the sustainable finance consultation
EuBV bei Twitter
🚀 A glimpse into the future: New policies will reshape the financial sector! The EFBS conference in Vienna covered key topics like green mortgages, the digital euro, and more. Huge thanks to all participants and organizers! Looking forward to April 2025! 🏡💶🌱 #EuBV2024
All members of the EFBS enjoyed the interesting exchange with representatives from @Europarl_EN, @EU_Commission and @EBA_News.
Thank you MEP Dr. @othmar_karas for your valuable insights in current discussions on the hot debate of #EDIS.
#eba #gdjustice #eu_justice #eu_finance
The European elections are taking place in June. In this context, the German building societies have formulated positions and recommendations.
A key demand: High-risk business models must undergo different regulation than low-risk models. More at https://bit.ly/Europawahl_2024 (German)
Yesterday, Christian König was part of an interesting event organised by @HousingEurope about cooperative housing and was able to present the role and potential of building society savings.
@sorcha_edwards, @AlicePittini, @toiapatrizia, @novalore